Thursday 16 May 2013

Spaghetti with shrimps, olives & capers

Just came back from one of my favourite places on earth and saw in real life one of marine world's most elusive animal; the hammerhead shark! What a privilege! Things from nature are always best when it is simple. Like good food, it is always best to let the fresh produce impress your family and friends. Most restaurants tend to over complicate a good plate of pasta; sometimes I guess to justify the hefty price tag for it. To me, a delicious plate of pasta is simply made with fresh produce, lightly seasoned and allows the ingredients to show their true worth. It is not complicated, very fresh and surprisingly easy to make. Just made this pasta for lunch and is one of my favourites when I just want a simple plate of home made goodness! 

1. Cook spaghetti in boling salted water & olive oil for 11mins till al dente
2. Saute chopped 1 garlic, 1/4 red onion, 1/4 chile & 3 anchovies for 2mins in hot pan of olive oil
3. Add sliced black olives, capers,  cherry tomatoes & shrimps
4. Season with salt & pepper. Stir for a few more mins. 
5. Toss with spaghetti and serve with chopped sweet basil
6. Drizzle with good quality olive oil & serve

Prep time: 15mins     Cook time: 15mins     Level: Confirm can!

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