Friday 9 August 2013

Moules Marinières

Though I just hit the seawater about 2 months ago in Maldives, I am beginning to miss diving again. The excitement in prepping the gear, riding the waves on the boat ride out and the first taste of crystal blue seawater is alway so alluring. To rekindle all these feelings again, I decided to cook us a simmering pot of "Moules Marinieres" which is probably the quintessential french summer dish made of fresh meaty mussels, white wine, garlic and parsley. These elements make it perfect for this classic and simply delicious seaside to be enjoyed on this super long weekend! A simple and fast dish to do with minimum effort and maximum taste! 

1. Soak mussels in water & de-beard them
2. Add butter into pot with chopped spices; 2 shallot,4 cloves of garlic & 1 white onion
3. Add thyme & bay leaves
4. Splash a cup of white wine
5. Sautee for 3-4mins over medium heat. Do not brown
6. Add mussels & cover for 4-5mins
7. Add chopped italian parsley & dash of fresh cream

Serve with some garlic toasted french loaves to soak up all the juices from the mussels that have been infused with the spices. herbs and white wine and you have a simple french classic to share with your loved ones!

Happy National Day and Majulah Singapura! 

Prep time: 10mins     Cook time: 10mins     Level: Confirm can!

Friday 2 August 2013

Chilli crab linguine

As I continue my series of recipes that fuses the best of East and West, I cannot thank my wifey enough who has been my faithful guinea pig as I experimented with different versions of these recipes to get the balance of taste just right. Her feedback and plattte have been a great help to me! This recipe combines two of my favourite food; the all too famous Singaporean chilli crab and my favourite pasta, linguine! It is spicy, slurperlicious and brings out the best in Singaporean cuisine! it is very fast to make and takes about less than 30mins to spring out this dish. 

1. Cook linguine in pot of salted boiling water & olive oil for 10mins till al dente. Set aside
2. Add chopped shallots & white onions into hot pan of olive oil. Stir fry for 2-3mins
3. Add 1.5 spoonful of chilli crab paste & stir fry till fragrant for 2-3 mins
4. Add handful of crab meat and stir fry
5. Crack an egg to finish up the sauce & let it thicken to boil
6. Add pasta in and serve!

When stir frying the chilli crab paste, make sure you stir fry it till it makes you cough and tear a bit. This means that the spices in the paste are cooked properly and it is releasing it aromatic fragrance! Garnish the pasta with some sliced red chillis and spring onions and viola, you have a delicious dish that is perfect for a weekend lunch! Enjoy your weekend and TGIF! 

Prep time: 10mins     Cook time: 20mins     Level: Confirm can!